§9 AufenthG - Permanent residence permit


The permanent residence permit according to §9 AufenthG depends on a number of conditions. It requires you to be in possession of a residence permit for at least five years. Only 50 % of the duration of studies or vocational trainings can be taken into account. In addition, you must provide evidence of language skills at the B1 level (exam certificate). Moreover, you have to provide proof of your employment with social security contributions for at least 60 months (5 years). Furthermore, you must have the financial means to sustainably cover your living expenses. This means that your employment contract should be permanent or valid for more than one year and you should no longer be in the probationary period.

Main requirements:

  • In possession of a residence permit for 5 years
  • Sufficient knowledge of the German language (B1)
  • Sufficient financial means (including health insurance)
  • Sufficient housing
  • No criminal record

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The information on this website is merely intended as a guideline. There is no guarantee for the completeness and correctness concerning the information provided on this website. The completeness of the stated documents does not mean that the residence permit will be issued. Each case must be assessed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary.

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