§18b sec. 2 AufenthG – Blue Card EU 


The blue card requires an annual gross salary of 56.800,00 Euro. If you work in a profession that is highly demanded in Germany (doctor, engineer, It-specialist, natural scientist) an annual gross salary of 44.304,00 Euro is required. Furthermore, you have to be a qualified worker which means you either must have a German university degree or a university degree that is equivalent to a German one.

Whether your professional training qualification is equivalent to a German qualification must be determined in the recognition procedure at the office responsible for your profession. You can find out which office is responsible for your profession using the recognition search of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training: https://www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de/html/en/index.php

Main requirements:

  • University degree (recognized in Germany)
  • Work contract or concrete employment offer with a gross salary of 56.800,00 EURO or 44.304,00 EURO for highly demanded professions
  • Sufficient financial means (including health insurance)
  • Sufficient housing

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The information on this website is merely intended as a guideline. There is no guarantee for the completeness and correctness concerning the information provided on this website. The completeness of the stated documents does not mean that the residence permit will be issued. Each case must be assessed individually. Therefore, the requested documents may vary.